Re-Use, Re-Purpose: How our Products are made
Our Swings are made by re-purposing tyres and other industrial products, giving them a new life free from the landfill.
While recycling is great, it is actually better to re-use. Reusing is better than recycling because it saves the energy that comes with having to dismantle and re-manufacture products. It also significantly reduces waste and pollution because it reduces the need for raw materials, saving both forests and water supplies.
Repurposing is a step back in time but also a way forward. Back in our grand parents day, resources were valued. Items were made to last and to be reused again and again. “Disposable” is a modern term, we can still learn to use the good ideas from the past.
We therefore re-use materials to make our swings and at the same time make them to last. Furthermore we offer re-roping serves for swings who ropes have worn or are frayed.
Safety is also an important consideration in our design and manufacture. All our commercial swings are designed and built in accordance to the NZS5828:2015 playground standards. We ensure there is no entrapment points and that swings are made tough to last. (note customers need to regularly check the fittings and rope etc for signs of wear).
We are a New Zealand company and all our swings are made here and custom built to fit your swing frame.
If you would like any further information email us on